What do you think about Franz being oblivious as to what was going to happen to him? He was way too intelligent not to pick up on what was going down.
I don’t think Franz was oblivious. I’m sure Ray recognized the repercussions that were going to befall him for every word and thought he printed in his book. But I’m sure he used filters to lessen the consequences that he felt might result because of the expose.
In other words, he threw out the dirty laundry, but not necessarily “ALL” the dirty soiled laundry. Human nature makes us risk averse, and I believe Ray was trying to exit peacefully.
Once he was disfellowshipped he went for it, that is, he decided to use the material he kept to indict them but since it was his first experience in doing this, I’m sure he tempered it a little. He still had a conscience that guided him and he didn’t allow anger and hatred to control his writings.
I always felt that Ray knew a lot more than he wrote, but he had to balance the way he wrote so that it would not come off as hateful rhetoric against a group of people that kicked him out.
I think he thoughtfully considered carefully what subjects to cover and how much of those subjects he would discuss. Ray probably gave much thought as to how the subjects in the book would affect the over-all tone or attitude of his book.